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EP vragen over lange duur van berekening pensioenen in Portugal

feb 14, 2019

Question for written answer P-000794-19
to the Commission
Rule 130
Fernando Ruas (PPE)

Subject:  Delays in the calculating of working time for pension purposes

In Portugal, Social Security has been remarkably slow to issue documents concerning the calculating for pension purposes of periods of service. For people who have spent their entire careers in Portugal, on average, it takes Social Security roughly a year to issue those documents. According to Rádio e Televisão de Portugal (RTP), 60 000 cases concerning old-age pensions alone are pending in Portugal.

In recent days, delays of 18 months (or even 3 years in some cases) have come to light in the media in Social Security’s handling of requests for the E205 form, from Portuguese citizens who have emigrated to Luxembourg and asked to receive their pension there. There are similar reports concerning citizens who have emigrated to other Member States as well as other requests, such as family allowances and unemployment benefits.

In a union of peoples and states in which free movement of persons is one of our greatest achievements and, for people who have reached the end of a long working life (or for those with a disabling illness), these delays are completely unacceptable.

1. Is the Commission aware of these issues?2. How can it help to shorten those periods, which we consider completely unacceptable

1 Reactie

  1. Wij hebben een aantal jaren in Portugal gewoond.
    Ja, ze bewaren daar echt wel elk blaadje en dat wordt opgeslagen in de diepste krochten van hun gebouwen…….en ze kunnen nauwelijks iets terugvinden.
    Bij het belastingkantoor vroegen wij ooit bepaalde gegevens op.
    In hun computers werd met drie man gezocht, na een half uurtje werd een specialiste erbij gehaald, gelukkig wist deze na een kwartiertje toch nog het door ons opgevraagde document boven water te krijgen!
    Dat is Portugal ten voeten uit, er is dus niets veranderd. 😄


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