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EP vraag over Europese arbeidsongeschiktheidskaart

dec 5, 2020

Question for written answer  E-006312/2020

to the Commission

Rule 138

Pascal Arimont (PPE)

Subject:       EU disability card and mutual recognition of disability status

In its joint answer to Written Questions E-000393/2020, E-000651/2020 and E‑000825/2020, the Commission explained that an assessment of the EU disability card pilot project should be finalised in mid-2020.

In that connection, have findings already emerged that are relevant to future disability policy, in particular as regards the mutual recognition of disability status?

5 Reacties

  1. Wat ik begrijp is dat het hier gaat om een kaart voor invaliden, die daarmee speciale voordelen krijgen. Ik denk dat het min of meer vergelijkbaar zal zijn met de status van “Discapacidad” zoals Imserso dat vaststelt in Spanje. Het heeft voor zover ik begrijp helaas niets te maken met “Incapacidad” wat gaat over de mate van arbeidsongeschiktheid. Volgens mij klopt de kop boven dit artikel op de dan ook niet. Voor zover ik het begrijp heeft deze kaart niet te maken met arbeidsongeschiktheid, maar wel met invaliditeit.

    zie ook onderstaande links:

    • Hoewel disability ook met arbeidsongeschiktheid te vertalen is blijkt de Commissie inderdaad de intentie te hebben met die kaart de toegang tot voorzieningen voor mensen met een beperking te vergroten. Invaliditeit is dus de betere vertalingen.

  2. Datum 14 december 2020
    Betreft Kamervragen
    Geachte voorzitter,
    Hierbij zend ik u de antwoorden op de vragen van het Kamerlid Bergkamp (D66) over de European Disability Card (2020Z23469).
    de minister voor Medische Zorg
    en Sport,

    daaruit: „6. Bent u vooralsnog geen voorstander van de invoering van de European Disability Card in Nederland, zoals in een brief van de minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport vorig jaar per brief [3] met de Kamer werd gedeeld? Zo ja, welke overwegingen hanteert u?
    Nee, net als mijn voorganger wil ik inzetten op verbetering van toegankelijkheid voor iedereen, ook zonder dat een kaart hoeft te worden getoond.”

    Lees verder op:

  3. Timeline for European Disability Card
    Priority question for written answer P-002888/2022
    to the Commission
    Rule 138
    Sara Skyttedal (PPE)
    In its strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities 2021-2030[1], the Commission announced that it will put forward a proposal to create a European Disability Card by the end of 2023.
    With that in mind, I would like to ask the Commission the following:
    1.Is this timeline still accurate?
    2.Does it intend to present the proposal in the form of binding legislation or in some other form?
    EN P-002888/2022 Answer given by Ms Dalli on behalf of the European Commission (23.9.2022)

    The Commission intends to follow the timetable in the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 and adopt a proposal on the new European Disability Card by the end of 2023.

    The proposal will be accompanied by an impact assessment. To support the preparation of the impact assessment, it has been envisaged to launch a background analytical study in 2022. The form of the initiative will be decided based on the results and information provided by the impact assessment.

  4. EU Disability Card and Passenger Rights of Persons with Disabilities
    Question for written answer E-003775/2022
    to the Commission
    Rule 138
    Alviina Alametsä (Verts/ALE), Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg (Verts/ALE), Ciarán Cuffe (Verts/ALE), Jakop G. Dalunde (Verts/ALE), Tilly Metz (Verts/ALE), Karima Delli (Verts/ALE), Ignazio Corrao (Verts/ALE)
    Despite the recent adoption of Regulation (EU) 2021/782 of the Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2021 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations[1], many persons with disabilities continue to experience problems when travelling. As there is no automatic recognition of disability or national disability cards between Member States, international travel remains difficult.
    The EU disability card[2], one of the flagship initiatives of the Disability Rights Strategy 2021-2030[3] contained in the Commission’s work programme for 2023[4], presents a much-needed opportunity to cover this rightful requirement. In parallel, the revision of the passenger rights framework, also presented in the 2023 work programme, may allow further improvements to be made.
    In the light of these opportunities, we ask the Commission:
    • 1.Is the Commission planning to include transport in the proposal for the EU disability card as one of the sectors to be covered and will this card cover all means of transport (road, rail, maritime and air) at every level (urban, regional and national)?
    • 2.Will it include initiatives to raise awareness of the card among service providers to ensure that it is widely adopted and used across Member States?
    • 3.Will it tackle current inequalities in access to transport services for persons with disabilities through the revision of the passenger rights framework?
    Submitted: 22.11.2022
    EN E-003775/2022 Answer given by Ms Dalli
    on behalf of the European Commission (26.1.2023)

    1. The Commission Work Programme 2023 includes a European Disability Card to be proposed by the European Commission based on the results of an impact assessment which will help determine the scope of the initiative. Possible options include the areas of the pilot EU Disability Card (culture, leisure, sport and transport) or a more ambitious coverage of services in the internal market that offer preferential conditions for access of persons with disabilities.

    2. The Commission intends to consult broadly to obtain input and raise awareness of the content and purpose of the initiative. The call for evidence for the initiative was open for contributions until 9 January 2023. Service providers are key actors that will be specifically targeted.

    3. The Commission’s ongoing review of the passenger rights regulatory framework addresses the better protection of passengers, including persons with disability and reduced mobility, and their rights. In this context, attention is paid to the enforcement of existing rules and also to potential new solutions, e.g. when using different transport modes for a journey.


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