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EP vraag over Spaanse identiteitsdocumenten

jan 29, 2020

Question for written answer E-003776/2019

to the Commission

Rule 138

Manu Pineda, Sira Rego

Subject:       Identity documents in Spain

The Spanish Government has passed Royal Decree-Law 14/2019 of 31 October, Article 1 of which stipulates that:

‘The national identity document is a public and official document and shall be subject to the protection that the law affords such documents. It is the ‘only’ document that, on its own, is sufficient to authenticate the identity and personal data of its holder.’

This is not the case in any normal country. State authorities issue other public documents, such as passports, driving licences and the warrant cards carried by police officers.

The word ‘only’ implies that the other documents are not authentic or sufficient when presented on their own. Such documents are, however, issued by the State and are therefore recognised by the EU.

1     Has Spain notified the EU that passports, driving licences and other documents issued by the Spanish authorities are now no longer sufficient to authenticate the identity and personal data of the holder, a situation which constitutes a breach of Directive 2006/126/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on driving licences?

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