Via ons bestuurslid, Roy Meijnderts, kregen we op 23 april 2020 het verzoek van mevrouw Boog (redacteur bij online magazine VROUW) het volgende artikel te plaatsen op onze website.
Dagblad de Telegraaf zoekt Nederlandse gepensioneerden in het buitenland die willen meewerken aan een artikel in de onlineversie van VROUW en heeft daartoe om onze medewerking verzocht. Zie onderstaande tekst. Belangstellenden melden zich s.v.p. rechtstreeks bij de betrokken redacteur, mevrouw Boog, via het opgegeven e-mailadres of telefoonnummer.
Beste leden van de VBNGB en andere gepensioneerden in het buitenland,
Voor een artikel in het online magazine van VROUW ( zijn wij op zoek naar gepensioneerden die in het buitenland woonachtig zijn en tegen problemen wegens de coronacrisis aanlopen. Voorbeelden hiervan kunnen zijn: geen familie in hetzelfde land woonachtig om de boodschappen te brengen en hierdoor zichzelf voortdurend in gevaar moeten brengen, of bijvoorbeeld de taal niet gemachtigd zijn waardoor er grote problemen ontstaan in het begrijpen van de situatie in het land. Andere ervaringen of verhalen zijn natuurlijk ook welkom. Wij horen graag waar u tegenaan loopt.
Voor contact of meer informatie kan er gemaild worden naar of kunt u bellen naar +31652561449
Groeten Laura Boog
Redacteur bij VROUW
Naar aanleiding van een verzoek van de VBNGB. kan ik U mededelen dat wij totaal geen slechte ervaringen met de beheersing en beteugeling van de Corona crisis.
Inderdaad, het familie bezoek is op dit moment niet mogelijk, maar daar is wel overheen te komen.
Deze week had ik wat klachten, verhoging en voelde mij helemaal niet goed. Mijn huisarts gebeld en een dag later had ik al, na een afgenomen test, het resultaat binnen.
Gelukkig negatief.
Wat heel belangrijk is dat je bezig blijft en niet alleen maar in de stoel zit, films te kijken. Of hele dagen achter de PC. Ik probeer bezig te blijven met diverse zaken, wel in een rustig tempo.
Question for written answer E-004637/2020
to the Council
Rule 138
Tanja Fajon (S&D), Klemen Grošelj (Renew), Irena Joveva (Renew), Milan Brglez (S&D)
Subject: Restrictions on travel between EU Member States
In connection with efforts to tackle the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, issued a communication on 15 April emphasising the European approach in the gradual lifting of restrictions. The measures should be based on scientific knowledge and focused on public health, and must be consistent across the Member States and based on respect and solidarity.
In practice, however, national measures (based on a traffic-light system) vary widely, which is in breach of the fundamental principles of a prohibition against discrimination on grounds of nationality (Article 18 TFEU) and free movement of EU citizens (Articles 20 and 21 TFEU). Applying the principle of reciprocity, some Member States (e.g. Denmark) are treating citizens as an epidemiological risk even if they come from a country which, according to the health criteria, does not present an epidemiological risk.
Consequently, the same country is on the red list for some countries and on the orange or green list for others.
1. Is the Council aware of the travel restriction measures taken by the individual Member States?
2. Do such restrictions constitute a violation of the principles of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality and freedom of movement of EU citizens?
3. Does the Council intend to take action – and if so, what action – in cases where European law and fundamental principles have been violated?
The COVID-19 pandemic has obliged all Member States to take unprecedented measures aimed at limiting the transmission of the virus and safeguarding public health. The nature of the measures has varied between Member States, depending on the domestic epidemiological situation as well as on other factors.
It is the responsibility of Member States to adopt appropriate measures such as quarantine requirements, testing specifications and travel restrictions in response to serious cross-border health threats. As pointed out by the Honourable Members, those measures have to be taken in accordance with Union law. It is for the Commission, as guardian of the Treaties, to monitor such measures and decide on the follow-up.
Throughout the crisis, Ministers with different areas of responsibility have had numerous exchanges, often in the format of videoconferences. Through these exchanges they have discussed the impact of measures taken to protect public health on the four freedoms enshrined in the EU acquis and have stressed the importance of a coordinated approach to ensure transparency and predictability for citizens and businesses.
In particular, extensive discussions have taken place in the Council in the context of the Integrated Political Crisis Response (IPCR) arrangements, both on health measures and on internal as well as external border restrictions.
Finally, it is worth recalling that, on 4 September, the Commission presented a proposal for a Council Recommendation on a coordinated approach to the restriction of free movement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic , which is currently being discussed in the Council. Following the proposal of the Commission on 4 September, on 13 October the Council has agreed on EU-wide coordination on measures restricting free movement related to the coronavirus pandemic.
De oproep heeft overigens succes gehad en resulteerde in een artikel. Omdat het om een “premium” artikel ging hebben wij het niet kunnen plaatsen. Abonnees van de Telegraaf konden het hier lezen:
Priority question for written answer P-000036/2021
to the Commission
Rule 138
Andrey Kovatchev (PPE)
Subject: Restrictions to free movement for travellers returning from COVID-19 risk areas
On 13 October 2020, EU Member States adopted a Council recommendation with a view to ensuring that national measures restricting free movement are coordinated and clearly communicated at EU level. The recommendation envisages a common approach to introducing restrictions on travellers coming from other areas. While Member States are free to decide what measures to apply to travellers returning from risk areas to their territories, they should consider the differences in the epidemiological situation as well as the situation in their own territory and act in a proportionate manner. Experience from the last few months shows that some Member States continue to impose restrictions on travellers returning from risk areas, even though the incidence of coronavirus cases in these areas is lower than that in their territory. Hence, these measures do not take into account whether the entry of a person from a risk area would create additional risks of infection.
Does the Commission consider that such measures violate the principles of equal treatment and proportionality?
Does the Commission intend to propose additional guidelines and recommendations to ensure that measures aimed at protecting public health do not limit the rights of European citizens in a disproportionate manner?
4. Corona, reizen & quarantaine: update
In Nederland is een kantelpunt bereikt: meerdere versoepelingen zijn aangekondigd, zowel voor Nederlanders binnen Nederland als diegenen die naar Nederland afreizen. Via meerdere recente brandbrieven aan regering en parlement – zie hier de meest recente – heeft de SNBN nadrukkelijk verzocht om afschaffing van de quarantaineverplichting bij aankomst
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